First trip to MADEIRA, Portugal...

Trip to Madeira
4th – 8th February 2023
Madeira’s Atmosphere was absolutely breaththaking. Every single moment has been a surprise and a wonderment…

I remember this moment, at the top of Pico do Arieiro. A moment we had to deserve. Even the day before, fog was too massive we couldn’t even see one meter ahead of us. But, I couldn’t give up the chance of living something so breathtaking.

6 am, the following day. The guide picked me up again to give it a new try. Waking up was harder than the day before… But I wanted it so strongly that I did it again… And… I don’t regret it at all.

The wind was still so cold but we could already imagine the view we might have.
Sun began to rise between the magical clouds that made this moment stunning. Colors had been even stronger thanks to the wind and clouds.
No fog anymore. Massive clouds away. Some little to keep the magic of the moment.
It was like waiting impatiently to be allowed to open a gift in which we couldn’t guess a single minute what would be inside.

Breathtaking was the word. My eyes were wide open. My hands were not feeling the cold anymore. My mouth could only say one word: « Waouh ».
I felt lucky, so lucky of being here, of living this moment, this sunrise at 1800m high.

This trip will remain in my mind for a long time and I am already considering going back on the road ; a road I missed way too much.

Atmospheres from NICE, France...

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